Why are we setting up a regular kindergarten and not a special kindergarten?

For the whole 7 years of the existence of our Early Intervention Centre Košice, n.o. we feel and experience the helplessness of parents of children with disabilities at the time of their child's entry to kindergarten. Imagine if you were one of them...

Many parents, under our guidance, are "working hard" to educate their child. They really prepare their child among other children with respect to his/her disability as much as possible. But despite their best efforts, they often cannot find a kindergarten that will accept their child. So their enormous efforts have no follow-up.

There are few special kindergartens and not enough capacity for all children. At the same time, many of the children with disabilities could also get into mainstream kindergartens, learn from their peers, and move on. But there are only a few truly inclusive kindergartens in our region that are committed to accepting such children. 

 1.  4 years ago we came up with the ALKA project. Our Alka assistants helped a child with a disability to adapt in a mainstream nursery. The aim of the project was to socialise the child, to make him/her a real part of the team, to meet his/her special needs and, last but not least, to make sure that the role of the assistants could be taken over by the teachers or the regular assistants in the kindergarten.

Within our multidisciplinary team, we had many discussions about each of "our" children. We communicated with the parents and also with the management in the kindergarten. Together we tried to find, accept and implement the best solutions for the child. But in reality, it sometimes happened that our assistant and the child formed a separate island and the so-called the inclusion did not take place...

2. In order to increase the chances of children with disabilities to get to kindergarten (ordinary or special), we opened a preparatory kindergarten for them in January 2023. The children were acquiring new skills, learning to survive without their mother and getting used to the kindergarten regime and the presence of other children. As a result, half of our children were admitted to kindergarten after finishing the preparatory kindergarten.

But we go even further. We draw on the theory, expertise and experience of our specialists from CVI Košice, n.o., who are not few: social counselors, psychologists, therapeutic pedagogues, physiotherapists. We even have a pediatrician in the team who focuses on issues of development and nutrition in childhood.

In our work, we also have the professional and human support of our partner professional team in the Private Specialized Counseling and Prevention Center for children under the age of five.

After the excellent results of the preparatory kindergarten pilot project, we are continuing it with new children and...

3. ... in the coming days WE ARE OPENING A NORMAL KINDERGARTEN.

Many may have expected that if we ever open a kindergarten, it will only be a special one. But will children with disabilities get a chance to be an equal part of our society in adulthood - just like their regular peers? An individual approach to the special needs of children and a collective of ordinary children increase this chance. THAT'S WHY NORMAL KINDERGARTEN.

And what will be the benefit of an inclusive kindergarten for normal children growing up with 2-3 children with disabilities?

Even ordinary children have their own diverse needs. Some do not speak our language, others have gone through difficult trauma, others' parents are divorcing...

Each of our children needs an individual approach. And the parent has warm communication with the teachers, on whom he can rely.


In addition, research studies say that children who grow up in an inclusive environment are stronger personally - better prepared for life in a dynamically changing world...

This and much more convinced us to start a regular inclusive kindergarten instead of a special kindergarten. Kindergarten for 15 regular children, including ours with disabilities. A nursery that is needed like salt. For our clients, for ordinary children, for other kindergartens, for society. Because we need to move on. Or rather closer? Maybe closer to each other?

Keep your fingers crossed for us! ❤️

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